Many of you know that I am starting to panic about my oldest leaving the nest. Tonight I was writing his birthday on my calendar and it dawned on me..15 more days and he is a man. Good, bad, whatever...my official job is to hand it over to him and become an advisor. As I was driving him home from work we talked about registering to vote, which political party he felt he identified with, registering for selective service, staying away from credit cards...and all of a sudden I started to cry. All of the nights that I wanted to pull my hair out worrying about him being late, all of the homework battles, the day he painted our brand new carpet green at our new house, all of the messes in the kitchen, the day I first laid eyes on him...it all came flashing back. No wonder mid life is so hard. It is all so cruel for Moms, we have to hold on tight and then they wrestle for us to loosen the grip. Raising kids and letting them go..it's all so hard..but I wouldn't have missed it for anything in the world. He just thinks his Mom is being sentimental and goofy and dreaming of what his life is going to be like. I love you, little Logars! As the story goes....I'll like you for always, I'll love you forever, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be.
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