
"If you have faith as tiny as a mustard seed...nothing will be impossible for you" Matthew 17:20

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homemade Treats

A fellow blogger, Abbey Foster, shared this yummy recipe. I can't wait to whip some up to share with friends and family. It's totally amazing, especially with Ghirardelli's Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips. Enjoy !

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Grease a 9"x5"x3" loaf pan (or something close to that size). Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

Granulated sugar, 1 c
Butter, 4 oz
Mashed bananas (make sure they are ripe; usually 3 or 4 will do the trick), 1-1/2 c
Large eggs, two
Vanilla extract, 2 tsp
All-purpose flour, 2 c
Baking soda, 1-1/2 tsp
Salt, 1/2 tsp
Semisweet chocolate chips, 1 c

Mix sugar and butter; beat in mashed bananas, eggs and vanilla. Combine dry ingredients in another bowl and then stir into mixture. Fold in the chocolate chips until well incorporated. Pour batter into greased loaf pan. Cover loosely with a tent of aluminum foil. Bake for 30 minutes. Then uncover and bake for another 30 minutes. Test with toothpick to see if it comes out clean. Enjoy!

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Letter From My Heart to My Kids

Hello my kiddos,
I wanted to say hi and tell you how much I love you. But I also have to have a mommy moment- bear with me here. I won't take long, and I won't be saying anything I haven't already said in one form or another, but it is important.

You may or may not have heard about the NJ college student who killed himself last week because his room-mate had posted videotape of him having sex with another guy. A terrible, senseless tragedy.

My mommy job requires that I remind you of two essential things:
Nothing ruins your life forever. NOTHING.
Nothing ruins your life forever. NOTHING.

If that young man had only waited a couple of weeks nobody would have cared- he'd have gotten past it. People have short memories- life would have gotten better, much better. His parents and friends? They loved him prior to the tape- they would have loved him afterward too. A few awkward moments and then life goes on.

But when you are young you don't know that even the awkward moments are fleeting. On this, you just have to trust the old people. Remember when you were really small and cried and cried over something? Well, it didn't last. That's kind of what it's like- awful things happen, you feel like there's a rock in the pit of your stomach, somehow time goes by and it gets better. I promise you, it ALWAYS gets better.

The students, a girl and boy, who were involved in the taping and posting-- they are being charged with bias crime, invasion of privacy and possibly other things. Their college life is over. They will have to live with this death the rest of their lives-- and their families are devastated. What they did was so wrong- but also so kid-stupid. Not to mention mean. And so their lives will be different forever- but even so- their families will love them and they will have time enough to hopefully live in such a way as to make meaning from their mistake.

So, my beautiful kids, never, ever think something is unfixable. NOTHING you do will ever keep us from loving you. NOTHING you do could be so awful you can't get past it.

And if someone is mean to you, and it isn't something you can ignore-- seek out people to talk to about it. Surround yourself with people who are supportive. If you ever need help and don't know how to ask- try writing a letter instead. And right now- before you might need such help- think about who you would talk to if needed. In the midst of turmoil sometimes we don't always think as clearly- having a plan makes it easier to find help in crisis. And remember there are always alternatives. Always.

Finally, don't be mean. Don't let other people be mean.
Stand up for the underdog, protect those who aren't as smart or confident or easygoing as yourself.
Treat people's feelings like fragile little puppies- if you play with them- be gentle.

I love you so much and I know you really don't need me to tell you this stuff.... but it's my job.
Love and hugs,
Mom : )

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I can’t wait to scrap these pictures from our stop at the Walker Center in Minneapolis/St. Paul. We had a great time. When I see your reflection in these pics I can only hope that you see what I see… I see a beautiful girl who is determined, caring and vibrant. I want you to always feel good about yourself. I hope that you will never let life take that away. People may be mean, but that has nothing to do with WHO you are. So stay sweet little lady and always love you brother : ) You could never wish for a better friend and confidant. Big hugs!

Where Does The Time Go?

I am in total shock that the kids will all be heading back to school next week! This summer feels like it just flew by! Austin also had a big day this week-he got his driver's license. Woot! Woot! Such a big thing that he has worked on for so long. He is super excited about driving his brother and a friend to the Mayhem concert this weekend. So this afternoon, they loaded up in the car and off they went, leaving a teary eyed Mom and an apprehensive Dad. They made it back home safe and sound...but where did this little boy go?

I ran across this quote yesterday and it really touched me. I thought I would post it here too since it’s insanely in-tune with how I’ve been feeling.
“If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware. The tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered around the house, the piles and piles of laundry lying around to be tackled, will disappear all too soon. And, you will, to your surprise, miss them profoundly.”~President Thomas S. Monson
Yeah….. Amen. That’s all I can say to that as I rubbed the goosebumps on my arms. ♥♥♥

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Hour

We are still here. Alive and very much kickin’! Life has been crazy busy but in good, good ways. I’ve been working like mad on some stuff at work for the end of the fiscal year and also a new business venture that I can't wait to tell you about.But for will have to wait! Exciting stuff!

I looked at my Sonic cup on my desk and the message on it was so…. ummm… Pertinent? Lol.It said in big red letters HAPPY HOUR. One of my little joys daily is Happy Hour at Sonic to get me through the afternoon with my Diet Coke with easy vanilla. I’ve had lots and lots of “happy hours” lately. Even though some parts of our lives are really difficult and stressful at times… I have so much to be grateful for. With as much as people around the world are suffering and coping with the destruction of natural disasters or terrorism or even everyday starvation…. I am GRATEFUL for the trials I DO have even though I curse about them. I am blessed with an AMAZING husband who loves me unconditionally and is so supportive of everything I do. He’s an amazing father and friend… I feel like he was hand-picked by the man upstairs just for me!♥ We have beautiful and incredible children who give me the motivation to keep trying to be a better Mom and person. Okay….. just feeling grateful for the life I have and thought I would share it “out loud”. LOL

Toodles and cyber-hugs!~♥~Tammy~♥~

Logan and Nicole

Since it has been what seems like forever since I posted to my blog, I found a few other pics of Logan that I wanted to upload. This pic is of Logan and his friend Nicole. She is sweet and I love her family : ) You can tell how very tall he is in this pic. He does come by it naturally with both his Dad and I both not lacking in height.

Make a Wish, Logan!

I still can't believe that Logan is 19, graduated and trying to make it on his own. He is struggling but he will be fine in the long run. He still would like to go in the military. He knows how I feel about that. With our current Administration and world situation, it scares me to death. However, he knows that I will support him to follow his dreams. Luckily for him, Paul and Grandpa, both former Marines, support his desires fully-without reservation. Paul only wishes that he would go to college and go into the military as an officer.

United Way Teen Volunteer of the Year Award

We were thrilled in March to get a call announcing that Austin had been selected as this year's Teen Volunteer of the Year for the Norman United Way. We are thrilled that he was honored for his accomplishments. It was a very special day for our entire family.

This is the letter that I wrote nominating him:
Dear Nomination Committee:
The purpose of writing you today is to nominate a young man, Austin Childers, for the Young Citizen Volunteer of the Year Award. Austin is passionate and committed in his drive to help children and young adults who have physical and/or mental disabilities. Perhaps this drive comes from deep within him due to his own struggles that he has had to live with and overcome daily. Austin himself is an individual with a disability. He is severely dyslexic, dysgraphic (writing) and has many other needs that present challenges for him, even though on the outside he appears to be a typical high school student. Yet, he doesn’t let his struggles prevent him from assisting children who also need assistance and perhaps, more importantly, a friend.
As a mother, it is very difficult to have a child with a brilliant IQ who cannot express himself in writing more than writing simple words and even printing his own name is a struggle. He isn’t in the clubs and sports that many high school age children participate in. Last year, when I arrived at Norman High School during mid-day with Austin after one of his doctor’s appointments, I was left speechless with what I witnessed. As we were walking down the hallway, one of the Severe-Profound Special Education classes that Austin works with daily, was leaving the gymnasium returning to their classroom. They saw Austin and most of them had to stop to give him hugs, high fives, and for those who couldn’t do that, precious smiles. As we were walking away, the Teacher’s Assistant for the class told me that he is by far the best Aide that they have had in their classroom for over 10 years. It was at that moment that I realized what an inspiration he is to those he cares so much for. His accomplishments are not measured by medals, trophies, essays or scholarships. Instead, they are measured in smiles and successes of those who are in many ways just like Austin.
In today’s society, we have very few adult’s doing the kind of work that Austin does on a daily basis. He is just doing what everybody should be doing. He is an excellent leader and mentor by putting his own needs behind those that depend on others for so much. He has been serving in this capacity since he was in the 7th grade at Alcott Middle School. He is now a sophomore at Norman High School. He goes above and beyond the hour that he spends each day assisting in the classroom. He takes time to volunteer annually with Special Olympics, helps students shop for Christmas gifts for their parents and other family members, field trips that enable the students to survive in the world. Even making change has been a lesson where the teacher learned along with the student. You see, he himself couldn’t learn math the traditional way due to his dyslexia. However, it hasn’t stopped him in teaching the children he works with to make change as he learned also. It’s a skill that he thinks is so very vital for all of them, enabling them to avoid being taken advantage of in the public.
I believe that Austin is deserving of consideration of the Volunteer of the Year Awards. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share Austin with you.
Most Sincerely,

A former principal wrote this:
To Whom It May Concern:

I am offering this letter of nomination for 2010 Volunteer of the Year Award on behalf of Mr. Austin Childers.

I have known Mr. Childers for several years, having first met him when he was a student at WITHHELD. From the very first time I encountered this young man, I have known that he is an individual with tremendous potential. I have worked with Mr. Childers often, as he was a student under my supervision at WITHHELD. In my interactions with Mr. Childers, it has been obvious to me that he takes great initiative and care with working with students with special needs

Perhaps the most important item I can mention was his amount of time he devoted to those students with special needs. Mr. Childers was always the first to volunteer for any activity I needed help with, and always willing to serve in any way he could, whether it was during lunch, classtime, on field trips, or after school. His commitment to those students was unwavering, and I appreciate all he has done, and I am sure continues to do for them.

I can honestly say, without hesitation, that Mr. Childers would make a worthy recipient to your award. His commitment to students with disabilities exemplifies what your institution promotes: committed and dedicated volunteers. I feel honored to have known and worked with Mr. Childers, and I am sure you will feel the same should you accept his nomination.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Monday, February 1, 2010

White Christmas!

I was kidding around and said that I hoped it would come a blizzard for Christmas. Well, be careful what you wish for. In Oklahoma, on Christmas Eve, we had a blizzard!

Turner Falls

Summer 2009

Arbuckle Wilderness

Summer 2009

Fish Faces

Summer 2009

Velisa's Wedding

The same day Logan graduated, we went to Jerry and Velisa's wedding. This is a picture of my cousins, Velisa and Rick.

Faith in a Tutu


Spring 2009


This is my first experience using Lightroom and I love it! (Summer 2009)

4th of July!

4th of July in our neighborhood is a blast!

Summer Vacation

Our 2009 Summer vacation was spent exploring the beaches of Padre Island. We had a great time! On the way, we stopped for a day at the Great Wolf Lodge in Dallas, TX. Good times!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Logan is a NHS graduate!

I still can't believe that Logan is a graduate and moving on to college life. We are so very proud of you Logan! (May 2009)

Jacob graduates 5th grade!

We are proud of Jacob! He has finished 5th grade and is moving up to Middle School life. (May 2009)

PreK Graduation

I am still playing catch up. In May, Chandler and Gracie graduated from Pre-K. They are all grown up and will be going to Kindergarten now. They are so cute!